Example simulation using BRouter server

This example uses a BRouter server to query for routes. You must have an available instance, a local server is best.

Here are instructions on how to install it.

Because of this external dependency this version is slightly more difficult to install and run, and is more computationally intensive. But routing is more realistic.

Jupyter interactive tutorial

You can download the following notebook from https://gitlab.com/rgarcia-herrera/road-agent/blob/master/doc/jupyter_tutorial.ipynb to run a local copy and do some experiments.

Try changing speeds for modes, initial population sizes. Try other maps. Enjoy!


A game of tag

To exemplify the use of the Road Agent framework we shall write a game of tag simulation.

Agents are bike riders. Tagged bikes -which are faster- seek untagged riders. If they come close enough to untagged bikes, they tag them! To increase their chances of catching untagged bikes, they randomly circle nodes with the highest betweenness centrality in the street network.

Untagged riders must cross town from point A to point B and back again continuously. As an evasive strategy untagged bikes route through points with the lowest betweeness centrality in the street network.

The environment

Agent Based simulations usually involve interaction with the environment. We shall use the OSMNX library to download a street network, and use nodes from it to set points and destinations for agents.

In [1]:
import osmnx as ox
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ox.config(log_file=True, log_console=True, use_cache=True)
from LatLon import LatLon
In [2]:
# grab a square somewhere in Mexico City
G = ox.graph_from_point((19.3838,-99.1758), distance=1200)
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(G, node_size=0)

# you could also use this method and run a simulation on your home town. Try it!
#G = ox.graph_from_place('Tzintzuntzan, Michoacan, Mexico', network_type='bike')

Set bases A and B

Untagged bikes will run among these, to and fro.

In [3]:
# find westernmost node to make it base A
x_min = min([G.nodes[osmid]['x'] for osmid in G.nodes])
base_A = [G.nodes[osmid] for osmid in G.nodes if G.nodes[osmid]['x'] == x_min][0]
base_A_point = LatLon(base_A['y'], base_A['x'])
{'osmid': 4183674558, 'x': -99.1871936, 'y': 19.3801201}
In [4]:
# find easternmost node to make it base B
x_max = max([G.nodes[osmid]['x'] for osmid in G.nodes])
base_B = [G.nodes[osmid] for osmid in G.nodes if G.nodes[osmid]['x'] == x_max][0]
base_B_point = LatLon(base_B['y'], base_B['x'])
{'osmid': 4074023177, 'x': -99.1643849, 'y': 19.3915158}
In [5]:
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(G, node_size=0, show=False, close=False)
ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((base_A['x'], base_A['y']), 0.001, color='red', alpha=0.9))
ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((base_B['x'], base_B['y']), 0.001, color='blue', alpha=0.9))


Low betweenness centrality nodes

Crate a list of low betweenness centrality nodes. We'll grab items from here to include in the untagged routes, according to our evasion strategy.

In [6]:
lower_betweeness_threshold = 0.05

import networkx as nx
from LatLon import LatLon
import random
import numpy as np

low_btw = [LatLon(G.node[osmid]['y'], G.node[osmid]['x']) 
           for osmid, btw in nx.betweenness_centrality(G).iteritems()
           if btw > 0 and btw <= lower_betweeness_threshold]

print len(low_btw), "low betweenness nodes, out of a total of ", len(G.node)

# a random node from this dict
969 low betweenness nodes, out of a total of  1162
Latitude 19.3854672, Longitude -99.1830157

High betweeness centrality nodes

Tagged agents will roam the most central nodes. Victims are shure to come by!

In [7]:
high_betweeness_threshold = 0.1

high_btw = [LatLon(G.node[osmid]['y'], G.node[osmid]['x']) 
            for osmid, btw in nx.betweenness_centrality(G).iteritems()
            if btw >= high_betweeness_threshold]

# there's just a few of them
[Latitude 19.3828092, Longitude -99.1760359,
 Latitude 19.3831326, Longitude -99.1759217,
 Latitude 19.3798543, Longitude -99.1778753,
 Latitude 19.3861117, Longitude -99.1749694,
 Latitude 19.3901315, Longitude -99.1736594,
 Latitude 19.3806848, Longitude -99.1767155,
 Latitude 19.3804975, Longitude -99.1767748,
 Latitude 19.3898697, Longitude -99.1783449,
 Latitude 19.3801415, Longitude -99.1768934,
 Latitude 19.3862654, Longitude -99.1749204,
 Latitude 19.3801962, Longitude -99.1768752,
 Latitude 19.3766207, Longitude -99.1781815,
 Latitude 19.3803072, Longitude -99.1763829,
 Latitude 19.3765946, Longitude -99.1780675,
 Latitude 19.3820079, Longitude -99.1786843]

The Bike class

Now we extend the Agent class to create our bikes. We'll write methods for both modes of play: tagged and untagged.

In [8]:
from road_agent import Agent

class Bike(Agent):

    def dest_high_btw_node(self):
        tagged agents will ride to high betweenness nodes
        to increase their chances of catching untagged agents
    def set_mode(self, mode):
        if mode == 'tagged':
            self.mode = 't'
            # tagged bikes go faster
            self.speed = random.uniform(4, 6)  # speed given in m/s
            # just got tagged? select random destination
            self.mode = 'u'
            self.speed = random.uniform(3, 4)
            # choose a route through low betweeness node
            b.update_route([random.choice(low_btw), ])
    def tag_nearby_agents(self, bikes):
        seek bikes close to me, tag them!
        for b in bikes:
            if self.distance_to(b.point()) < self.speed and b.mode == 'u':
                print "at t=%s agent %s tagged %s!" % (t, id(self), id(b))                

    def tagged_step(self):
        # Here we use the global variable N which contains the whole bike population
        # 'cause this is a tutorial and it is useful to keep it simple.
        # But you might use a database with useful queries and such
        # by mixing in the Agent class with an ORM

        # choose a destination
        if self.got_there():
    def untagged_step(self):
        if self.got_there():
            # got to a base? turn around and head back to the one you came from!
            if self.destination() == base_A_point:
            elif self.destination() == base_B_point:
            # but go through a low betweenness centrality node, to try and evade taggers
            self.update_route([random.choice(low_btw), ])
    def play_tag(self):
        if self.mode == 't':
        elif self.mode == 'u':

Simulation initialization

In [9]:
number_of_bikes = 20
simulation_steps = 2400

# log population sizes
tagged_pop = np.zeros(simulation_steps)
untagged_pop = np.zeros(simulation_steps)

# create a bike population with a list comprehension
N = [Bike(point=base_A_point, dest=base_B_point)  # all bikes start at base A, heading for B
     for n in range(number_of_bikes)]

for b in N:
    # set them all in the untagged mode
    # let each agent keep a log of its trail
    b.trail = []
# add one tagged bike!
point, dest = random.sample(high_btw, 2)

tagged_bike = Bike(point=point, dest=dest)
tagged_bike.trail = []


Run simulation

In [10]:
for t in range(simulation_steps):
    # update population logs
    tagged_pop[t] = len([1 for b in N if b.mode == 't'])
    untagged_pop[t] = len([1 for b in N if b.mode == 'u'])

    for b in N:
        # make a log entry every 100 steps
        if t % 100 == 0:
            b.trail.append({'point': (float(b.point().to_string()[1]),
                            'mode': b.mode})
at t=440 agent 140434198413112 tagged 140434204496240!
at t=1147 agent 140434198413112 tagged 140434205036840!
at t=2191 agent 140434204496240 tagged 140434205039792!

Plot population dynamics

In [11]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca()
plt.plot(range(simulation_steps), tagged_pop, color='green', label='tagged')
plt.plot(range(simulation_steps), untagged_pop, color='deeppink', label='untagged')
ax.set_ylabel('population size')
ax.set_xlabel('simulation steps')

Plot some frames

Tagged agents are green, untagged agents are pink.

In [12]:
# get edges of street network into geodataframe, for easier re-use
gdf = ox.plot.graph_to_gdfs(G, nodes=False)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=6, ncols=4,
                         sharex='all', sharey='all',
                         figsize=(9, 12), dpi=120)

axes = axes.flat
for ax, t in zip(axes, range(24)):
    # plot streets
    gdf.plot(ax=ax, linewidth=0.2, color="grey")
    # mark bases
    ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((base_A['x'], base_A['y']), 0.001, color='red', alpha=0.7))
    ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((base_B['x'], base_B['y']), 0.001, color='blue', alpha=0.7))
    # mark agent locations at current timestep
    for b in N:
        if b.trail[t]['mode'] == 'u':
            color = 'deeppink'
        elif b.trail[t]['mode'] == 't':
            color = 'green'
        ax.add_artist(plt.Circle(b.trail[t]['point'], 0.00035, color=color, alpha=0.6))
    ax.set_title("t=%s" % (t*100), fontdict={'fontsize': 8})
