Source code for road_agent

from datetime import datetime
from LatLon import LatLon, Latitude, Longitude

[docs]class Agent(): """ Agents are located at ther *point*, which is a lat-lon coordinate pair. They move through their route, which is a series of points that connect their current location to their destination. """
[docs] def __init__(self, point, dest, router, speed=3): """ :param point: current location of agent :param dest: destination point of agent :param speed: speed in metres per second :param router: a router instance :type point: LatLon point :type dest: LatLon point :type speed: float :type router: NXRouter or BRouter instance """ self.set_point(point) self.set_destination(dest) self.speed = speed self.heading = 0 self.destination_heading = 0 self.stamp = self.route = [] self.length = 0 self.router = router
[docs] def point(self): """ :return: LatLon point object with agent's current location """ return LatLon(Latitude(, Longitude(self.lon))
[docs] def set_point(self, point): """ Get lat and lon from LatLon point object, set them as agent's point. :param point: set agent's point to here :type point: LatLon point object """ = float( self.lon = float(point.lon)
[docs] def destination(self): """ :return: LatLon point object with agent's destination point """ return LatLon(Latitude(self.dest_lat), Longitude(self.dest_lon))
[docs] def set_destination(self, point): """ Get lat and lon from LatLon point object, set them as agent's destination point. :param point: set agent's destination to point :type point: LatLon point """ self.dest_lat = float( self.dest_lon = float(point.lon)
[docs] def update(self, new_point, update_speed=False): """ Updates time stamp and speed. uses @new_point to update: - point - heading - destination_heading - speed, if update_speed=True :param new_point: new current point to update to :param bool update_speed: wether to update agent's speed attribute :type new_point: LatLon point """ self.heading = self.point().heading_initial(new_point) self.destination_heading = new_point.heading_initial( self.destination()) if update_speed: tdelta = - self.stamp seconds = tdelta.total_seconds() distance = self.point().distance(new_point) / 1000.0 self.speed = distance / seconds self.stamp = self.set_point(new_point)
[docs] def heading_to(self, other_point): """ :return: Heading from my point to @other_point, in degrees. :rtype: float :param other_point: return heading from agent's point to here :type other_point: LatLon point """ return self.point().heading_initial(other_point)
[docs] def distance_to(self, other_point): """ :return: distance from agent to another point, in metres. :rtype: float :param other_point: return distance from agent's point to here :type other_point: LatLon point """ return self.point().distance(other_point) * 1000.0
[docs] def got_there(self): """ :return: True if one step or less away :rtype: bool """ if self.distance_to(self.destination()) < self.speed: return True else: return False
[docs] def update_route(self, points=[]): """ Query route server for points connecting current location to destination. If @points is given, route connects current location, sequence of points, and destination. :param points: list of LatLon points :return: True if succesful update of route, False if route is empty """ assert self.router is not None route = self.router.get_route(points=[self.point(), ] + points + [self.destination(), ], speed=self.speed) if route: self.route = route self.length = self.router.length return True else: return False
[docs] def step(self): """ Calls update method to move agent to next point in route. Pops first item of route point list. """ if self.route: p = self.route.pop(0) p = LatLon(Latitude(p[1]), Longitude(p[0])) else: p = self.destination() self.update(p)
def __str__(self): return "<A-%s %0.2fm @%sm/s %s>" % (id(self), self.distance_to( self.destination()), self.speed, self.point())